Tracking the Right Keywords for Your Dealership

Optimizing your keyword strategy is essential for maximizing the potential of your auto dealership's online presence. offers powerful tools that can significantly enhance your ability to track and utilize the right keywords. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to leverage SEMRush for improving your keyword strategy and attracting more visitors to your dealership website.
1. Keyword Discovery with Keyword Overview
Start your keyword strategy by identifying which keywords are most relevant and beneficial for your auto dealership. Use the Keyword Overview tool in SEMRush to get a comprehensive analysis of specific keywords, including search volume, keyword difficulty, competitive density, and SERP features. For a dealership, consider researching terms related to car models you offer, location-based keywords (like “car dealership in [City]”), and service-related keywords (like “car repair services”).

2. Competitor Keyword Analysis

Understanding what keywords your competitors are successfully ranking for can provide valuable insights. SEMRush’s Competitive Positioning Map and Organic Research tools allow you to see your competitors' search traffic and the keywords driving that traffic. This can help you identify keyword gaps and opportunities for your dealership to capitalize on

3. Keyword Magic Tool

Utilize the Keyword Magic Tool to expand your keyword list. This tool offers a deep dive into related keywords, question-based keywords, and long-tail keywords, which are less competitive and often have a higher conversion rate. For example, instead of targeting “new cars,” you might find better success with “affordable new sedans in [City].”
4. Position Tracking

Once you have your keywords, it’s crucial to monitor their performance. SEMRush’s Position Tracking tool allows you to track your website’s daily rankings for your targeted keywords in your specific geographic location. This tool helps you see how well your keywords are performing and adjust your strategy accordingly.

5. Gap Analysis

Perform a Gap Analysis to compare your keyword portfolio against your competitors. This tool shows which keywords are unique to your site, which are shared, and what competitors are using that you are not. This insight helps you refine your keyword strategy to cover all potential areas that could drive traffic.

6. PPC Keyword Tool

If you are also using pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, SEMRush’s PPC Keyword Tool can help optimize your campaigns. This tool assists in organizing your keywords at the campaign and ad group level, recommending optimal CPC bids, and enhancing your ads with the right keywords for better performance and lower costs.

7. Content Analyzer and SEO Content Template

To ensure that your content is optimized for your chosen keywords, use SEMRush’s SEO Content Template, which provides recommendations on how to structure your content to improve SEO rankings. After publishing, use the Content Analyzer to see how your content performs in terms of user engagement and social shares.

8. Reporting and Analytics

Finally, SEMRush offers comprehensive reporting tools that allow you to analyze and present your keyword performance data. Regular reporting will help you make informed decisions about future SEO strategies and demonstrate ROI from your SEO efforts.
By following these steps and utilizing SEMRush’s extensive toolset, your auto dealership can effectively track and optimize keywords, enhancing your visibility in search results and driving more targeted traffic to your website.